
Uit ECGpedia
Versie door Drj (overleg | bijdragen) op 12 aug 2007 om 13:25
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Dit is onderdeel van het hoofdstuk: Ventriculaire ritmestoornissen
Ventrikeltachycardie (VT of V-tach)
Atriale frequentie 60-100 /min
Ventriculaire frequentie 110-250 /min
Regelmaat regulair
Oorsprong ritme ventrikels
P-top AV-dissociatie
Effect van adenosine geen (evt. versnelling)
Voorbeeld-ecg: Een voorbeeld van een polymorfe ventrikeltachycardie Ventrikeltachycardie

Ventricular tachycardia is defined as a sequence of three or more ventricular beats. The frequency must by higher than 100 bpm, mostly it is 110-250 bpm. Ventricular tachycardias often origin around old scar tissue in the heart, e.g. after myocardial infarction. Also electrolyte disturbances and ischemia can cause ventricular tachycardias. The cardiac output is often strongly reduced during VT resulting in hypotension and loss of conciousness. VT is a medical emergency as it can deteriorate into Ventricular fibrillation and thus mechanical cardiac arrest.

Ventricular tachycardia can be catechorized as follows:

  • Non-sustained VT: three or more ventricular beats with a maximal duration of 30 seconds.
  • Sustained VT: a VT of more than 30 seconds duration (or less if treated by electrocardioversion within 30 seconds).
  • Monomorphic VT: all ventricular beats have the same configuration.
  • Polymorphic VT: the ventricular beats have a changing configuration. The RR interval is 180-600 ms (comparable to a heart rate of 100-333 bpm).
  • Biphasic VT: a ventricular tachycardia with a QRS complex that alternates from beat to beat. Associated with digoxin intoxication.